Thursday, July 30, 2009

It began on Monday

Monday morning I woke up and thought, "I wonder if Spanish Fork Community theater does any non-musicals?" I had just seen an enjoyable performance of Singing in the Rain by the Spanish Fork community theater that weekend) I went to their site and could not find anything that said they did. Then I looked up the Arts council. I sent a brief email asking that question and if not how I would go about starting a theater company. Not two hours later I received a response (Go Spanish Fork!) with quite a bit of enthusiasm I was encouraged to try it!

That same day I placed an add on craigslist just inquiring as to the amount of interest a theater company might draw. Currently I have two costumers, a volunteer for tech, and advertising. and several interested actors!

I have audition space and a venue. I have a concept for the play. I have a friend with a masters degree in grant writing. And I have at least some idea of what I'm doing.

I'm pretty much going to learn by experience, though I have acted in several Shakespeare plays, and been in fringe and little theater. I've written and directed, and performed for some pretty big names.

Before becoming a mom last year I owned my own business as an event planner and believe me designing and directing a $40,000 dollar wedding is a lot like theater....only more drama.

I have been acting for (gasp) about 20 years. I started when I was 12 so I'm not totally old and out of it :). I have been a paid struggling actor but that is not the life for me. I am passionate about the theater and people, and the idea of bringing good theater to small communities thrills me!

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