Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Theater Rehearsal

Hello friends!

We had a great rehearsal on Saturday at the Little Theater at Spanish Fork High School. We started some blocking exercises at the direction of Carob and Meg. We also covered some basics about the stage layout, which will help us take direction in the future. We are learning the language of theater! Exciting! We are just warming up and are about to hit our stride. We have some exceptional and energetic talent leading us who have experience and vision. We have a great group of players and we are starting to get comfortable and loosen up. As we warm up to each other and get comfortable and friendly with everyone in the group, our acting will become natural. This is the debut show for Theater in the Park and we get the chance to make first impressions in our communities. We want the families who attend to bring their friends back next year! In the future blog entries will be added at least once a week on Sunday evenings and will include a recap of our Saturday rehearsals, a summary of our board meeting discussions, updates on funding, venues, schedules and costumes.

If anyone has friends and family, bring them in for a visit to a rehearsal and maybe we can convince them to join us as an extra! We are also looking for anyone with carnival talent to join the show, i.e. juggling, unicycle, acrobats, tumblers, fire breathers, sword swallowers, minstrels, the works! (Kidding about the sword swallowers!)

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